Monday, August 23, 2010

Watercolor Studio Assignment for Wednesday, August 25

*Review the videos below.
*Review the links to the right.
*Click on the comment link for this post and share the name of the artist listed on the right that you
  find most inspiring.
*Bring the following materials to class on Wednesday and to every class for the rest of the semester!

  set of watercolors (tubes)
  set of brushes (flat and pointed)
  watercolor pad (size specified on syllabus below)
  paper towels
  two plastic water containers
  drawing board

See the exhibition at Reynolds Gallery at your earliest convenience. Focus on the work of Don Crow and David Freed - and any other watercolor that you see. The gallery is located on a diagonal across the street from MAIN ART GALLERY. for more info:


  1. I find Charles Burchfield most inspiring.

  2. I love Janet Fish's work. It's very colorful and realistic. She has amazing talent! =)

  3. I personally like Janet Fish. She uses an array of colors which brightens the whole painting. I also love the detail she gives to her paintings.
    Tiffany McGarry

  4. All of these works showed me that watercolor is an unexpectedly versatile medium. I'm especially inspired by Janet Fish's paintings: the luminosity and rich, realistic depictions of common objects. - Mary Auerbach
