Thursday, March 29, 2012

Studio Notes

Continue to develop Chuck Close Portrait number 2.

Study Postcard provided of Chuck Close example 3.

NO CLASS ON TUESDAY due to student assessments / testing

Homework for Thursday, April 5:

*Put up number 2 chuck close for critique at BEGINNING OF CLASS

*have base layer on chuck close 3 complete and develop patters and layers in class

Protocols for number 3:

change grid if you like to one that is diagonal or circular
vary base colors / random
react to base colors and show planes and details of face
third layer should convey the patterns and icons appropriate for YOU.

finished piece should look like YOU but with improvisation, pattern and personal

Extra Credit Opportunity
See Chuck Close number 3 at Reynolds Gallery (address on the back of the postcard)

See David Freed Exhibition also on view in Reynolds Gallery. Photograph a piece from the show that you love and that you don't love. Post both to blog and write a paragraph for each describing the reasons you love one and find the other one less desirable.

Visit Shockoe Bottom Canal Wall and document murals / graffiti in process for the G40 summit /Street Festival.

More info here.

Deadline for entering artwork for student show is tomorrow, March 30. ALL WORK MUST BE MOUNTED.

Betty Mitchell / Chuck Close Primary Color Portrait

Late nights ... early mornings! and painting in between... We're all in a doing fine!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cindy's trip to the Visual Art Center

 During my visit to the Visual Arts Center I viewed Oscar Muniz's works. I photographed this piece because it relates a lot to life. The piece demonstrates a process of change and progression throughout the artwork. Which makes me think it seems to be fleeting. This reminds me of how everything in life changes. Everything is just temporary. People come and go, you grow old, and eventually you die and decay. I really loved this work of all.
Also in my experience at the Visual Arts Center, I figured out that our teacher is very well known! My boyfriend and I stumbled upon a piece we thought was highly interesting and then I noticed it was by Amie Oliver! I hope that this will inspire the other classmates to go to this show and see what I saw, and also check out our teacher's work. You really never know who you have as a teacher (especially in art classes) until you do some research. In this case, I just so happened to find an interesting artwork that turned out to be related to our class!
Cindy Hennessey

Studio Notes

Studio time:

Begin yellow layer of Chuck Close Study # 2, with the goal of completing it before the end of class on Thursday.

Review progress.

Watch Chuck Close video.


Continue yellow layer. Complete by end of class on Thursday. Begin grid for Chuck Close grid for painting number three before class on thursday.

Review the images below in preparation for Chuck Close III.

betty mitchell / Chuck Close homework

"Sleepless in Savannah!"  
I forgot how little babies sleep at night...Grandson, 
Foster is a cutie even at 5:00AM!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Studio Notes

Studio time:

Continue red layer of Chuck Close Study # 2, with the goal of completing it before the end of class.

Review progress.

Watch Maurice Sendak video.


Complete blue layer before the next class. Work on yellow layer during class on Tues.

betty mitchell,s homework

Hi Professor Oliver,  off to Georgia FAST! Here's my homework.  I'll keep in touch vis blog.  Have a nice week. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Studio Notes

Review grayscale self portraits

Discuss chuck close technique used in Portrait of Mark, depicted in a previous blog post.

Create a series of small grid exercises which experiment with color combinations of red, blue and yellow to come up with a skin tone closest to your own

Prepare for Chuck Close self portrait two, the same size as your black and white study.
Use the following process after selecting the appropriate hues of red, blue and yellow:

Begin a monotone self portrait using the same technique as the ink study, but use red instead of black.when red layer is dry repeat the same process using the blue you have identified as best when the blue layer is dry repeat the same process using the best yellow. Where the color is most opaque, you will achieve darks close to brown or black - where the color is more transparent, a skin tone close to your own will be achieved.


Complete exercises in class
Begin full size Chuck Close self portrait number 2
Bring to class: 1/2 of monochrome portrait of face completed using ONLY red

Extra credit opportunity:

See Avel de Knight exhibition @ the University of Richmond Harnett Museum of Art and Print Study Center.

Photograph your favorite piece, post it to the blog and write a paragraph or two as to why you selected the piece you posted.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Betty / Oscar Munoz Exhibit

Sunday we visited the Visual Arts Center featuring the work of Oscar Munoz.  His exhibit Imprints for a Fleeting Memorial is so unique it cannot be described adequately with words.  It is an "experience" show.  My favorite piece, Narcissus is so captivating you find yourself just watching it over and over.  As the image drains and renews so does the mental possibilities of its meaning... always elusive and changing…. A message about life… maybe…. Just as remarkable and unbelievable is Narcissi!  How did the floating image arrive in Richmond?  Who other than the artist could have set this us?  In summary, the artist   presents concepts of creation, life, and death for the viewer to "see" with the visual eyes of the mind. This is one exhibit you should not miss!  betty m.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Studio Notes / Chuck Close / phillip glass

Studio: Listen to Chuck Close and Phillip Glass, a composer whose portrait has been painted more than 100 times by Mr. Close.

Review homework and document students students' progress.

Continue developing Chuck Close Self-Portrait (ink wash).

Homework: this self-portrait is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday after Spring Break.

Prepare your second piece of paper with the same grid as you will be working on a color self-portrait using the three step layering progress portrayed earlier on the blog.

You will receive your color photo on Tuesday morning.

Refer to the image below Watch this video which addresses the grid Chuck uses.

color process:
first layer: alizarin crimson (red) finish first layer in red then
second layer: blue (finish second layer over the red)
third layer: yellow (finish yellow layer of first two layers to 
complete the three color process)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Studio Notes / Chuck Close self-portrait A

Photo session!

Review homework.

Create grayscale tonal chart in sketchbook using ink and water. (minimum 7 one inch squares)

Listen to two videos below.

Visit this link to hear Chuck talk about this work in relation to the Pointalists.

Listen to this interview with Charles Osgood and see Chuck's studio in the Hamptons.

Create 1/2 inch grid on photo print provided. Discuss approach to blowing up grid on your watercolor paper. Doubling the scale is a good approach - 1/2 square on your xerox prints would be larger to a one inch per square on your watercolor paper. The only drawing on your watercolor paper should be that of the grid - no other drawing. Project goals:

1. create a grid on your photograph that is doubled in size on your watercolor paper.

2. number each grid along the edges on the photo and on your watercolor paper after taping off the edges of your grid on your watercolor paper. feel free to crop your photo, eliminating as much negative space as you want.

3. match the tones on the print provided on your watercolor paper using ink and water

4. mask off /block areas that you aren't working on so that you can focus on matching the tone of each square

5. For Thursday: complete grid and match 1/4 to 1/3 of the tones you see on your photograph.

JTCC Student Show announcement:
Mr. Ferguson will be accepting entries for the JTCC Annual Juried Student Art Show soon after we return from Spring Break beginning Monday, March 26th through Friday, March 30th. 

Entry forms and all details will be posted in the Art (A-215 Midlo), the Design Lab (A-202 Midlo), the Graphics Lab (A-217 Midlo) and in front of Mr. Ferguson's office (A-220h Midlo) after Spring Break. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Studio Notes: Chuck Close

Mid-term portfolio reviews today.

During our studio time you will be learning about the artist whose techniques we'll study for our next studio series so be prepared to notes in your sketchbook or class journal.

The links below will give you a background on the life, artwork and career of Chuck Close:

Chuck Close clips

Chuck and Stephen hang out here.

Critic and Curator Robert Storr interviews Chuck Close.

Chuck Close : Portrait in Progress

Chuck Close and Robert Rauschenberg on Charlie Rose.

Charlie Rose interviews Chuck Close.

A conversation with Chuck Close.

Print Articles
Christopher Finch's colorful interview with Chuck Close.
Christopher Finch and Chuck Close speak at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

A collection of Chuck Close portraits.

Recreate the Chuck CLose watercolor you are assigned. Use ink wash on a 8.5 x 11 sheet of watercolor paper. Below is an example of a student work from the first part of our Chuck Close series, which we will begin on Monday.

to view other amazing examples of ink wash paintings visit this link.

to view Chuck and Chris Finch at the VMFA visit this link.

Gallery Visit / The French Connection

Lisa Tubach's painting "Bruise" really spoke to me. She used graphite and gouache, which we have talked about in class, to create a really dynamic, colorful piece. I think it is a very interesting piece texturally. She employed dramatic color and line as well as several glazes to create a very bright, bold painting.
Bailey Enochs