An introduction to the tools, practices and concepts of using watercolor as a mode for representation and creative expression.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wed Dec 1 studio notes - Wed Dec 8 Final Portfolio Review
Watch "Who Gets to Call it Art"
Feedback on #1 of Final Project Series
Dec 1 - Feedback on #1 of Final Project
Dec 6 - Feedback on #2 and #3 of Final Project
Dec 8 - Final Portfolio Review
Review the list below to determine your appointment time.
Be present at 9am with your portfolio. I'll call roll and everyone will leave their portfolio in the classroom and work in the computer lab or library until their assigned review time. Please refer to the schedule below for your appointment:
9:30 Mary
9:40 Jenny
9:50 Al
10:00 Lauren
10:10 Reilly
10:20 Christine
10:30 Madonna
10:40 Max
10:50 Jaleesa
11:00 Tiffany
11:10 Erin
11:20 Sun
11:30 Ilona
Plan to leave your portfolio and pick it up on the exam date. Your portfolio will include a series of questions which must be answered on-line during the exam period.
Friday, November 19, 2010
mary a. reworked close portrait.jpg
Attached is my revised portrait for the first Chuck Close assignment, using invented textures.
Mary A.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Monday, November 15, 2010
Color Self Portrait which utilizes the style and techniques of Chuck Close
Visit this link to view Chuck Closes' portrait of Mark Greenwold. This portrait utilizes the technique we'll be using for Part C of the Chuck Close Project. It will require: *3 layers of color in the following order: Magenta (alizarin crimson) Blue Yellow *use the same size paper that you used for Part B, feel free to make the grid half the size if you choose *a black and white AND color version of your photograph. Use the mac lab here in the art department for a color print. If you are experienced in photoshop feel free to print a version on magenta, cyan and yellow! Part C of the Chuck Close Project is due on November 29, the Monday after the Thanksgiving break. You will need to pace yourself accordingly to keep up: Wed 11/17 completion of magenta overlay by end of class Monday 11/22 completion of blue overlay by beginning of class Monday 11/29 completion of yellow overlay / finished at beginning of class materials and proposals due for final project. Email me proposal for final project and bring everything you need to work on this during class the monday after Thanksgiving. | |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 10 Studio Time and Homework for Monday, Nov 15
Post Part A of Chuck Close portraits on the wall for a quick "show and tell"
Continue to develop Chuck Close portraits, part B (monochromatic) during our studio time today in red. blue or another color which will give you broad contrast. Yellow would not work. Orange would be too light - where red orange would work very well.
Part B of this project must be larger than the small 8.5 x 11 ink wash version.
Listen to a DVD on the great American art collectors the Vogels as they visit Chuck Close's studio and many others in NYC.
Homework for 11/15
Finish monochromatic (Part B) for a crit / show and tell on Monday morning.
Work on Part C of the Chuck Close Project during class on onday. Part C will use Red, Yellow and Blue overlays to simulate the decorative yet realistic style Mr. Close uses today.
Monday, Nov 8 Studio and Homework for Nov 10
Complete portrait in class.
Begin grid for larger monochromatic portrait in red or blue.
Assess your successes and mistakes from your primary effort as you approach this second phase of our Chuck Close series.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Mary Auerbach
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 3 Studio / Assignment for Mon, Nov 8: Chuck Close Studio Assignment
Creativity and the Brain, a discussion between Chuck Close, Richard Serra, Oliver Sachs and others on Charlie Rose.
Create a grid with squares no larger than 1/2" over a b/w print of your face
Recreate a grid of the same proportions onto a piece of watercolor paper approx 8.5 x 11 inches in size
required media: hard charcoal pencil, ruler, watercolor paper, india ink or black watercolor
homework for Monday, 11/ 8
*Review the Chuck Close assignment guidelines in the post below as well as the Chuck Close links on
the right hand side of this screen.
*Use inventive texture and value patterns based on each square on your photograph.
*DO NOT DRAW YOUR FACE ON THIS PAPER. Interpret the values of each square of the photo
onto the watercolor paper
* This small study must be completed sometime before the end of class on Monday.
* Bring materials for beginning your second, larger portrait in class on Monday.
Please post any questions you may have about the assignment in the comment section below.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, November 3: Chuck Close Studio Assignment
It is the most recent curriculum post, requesting that you send your completed art history inspired watercolor to this Watercolor blog using the blog email address I gave you - and that you bring a photograph of yourself to class on Wed. We WILL resume class on November 3!
REMINDER: You will need a photograph of yourself appropriate for a Chuck Close inspired self portrait. Please note: showing teeth in the photo is not recommended. Chuck Close portraits NEVER include smiling faces!
Chuck Close / Preparation
After creating your small value study in india ink you will create a larger study using color.
Divide your watercolor paper into a grid with the the same number of squares. Slowly build up the value patters using varying shades of a monochromatic color of your choice. Use invented texure and pattern which is abstract yet symbolic while creating a dimensional value pattern than in totality, reflects and looks like you. Review the examples of this technique in class.
Watercolor Paper
Considerations: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the portraiture of Chuck Close. Understand how an artist discovers and manipulates technique and form in while developing a series or style. 2. Use a ruler to creating a vertical/horizontal or diagonal grid - demonstrate skills in enlarging a composition and proportion using a grid. 3. Recognize values and create values patterns using line, pattern and simulated textures. Develop Contrast and gray scale through the use of value patterns and dry brush technique. This assignment combines the study of Chuck Close's portraits with techniques you developed when looking at the watecolors of Paul Klee and Charles Burchfield. (value, gradation and drybrush) In the meantime I am reviewing the work you have posted on the blog along with your portfolio work. I did not anticipate that I would need surgery to reconstruct my ankle during the time I'd hoped to write your assessments. It has been challenging, to say the least, as the pace of everything has changed for the moment. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, Wed, Nov 3!! We will review more of the work of artist Chuck Close and you will begin your self-portraits. |
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mary Auerbach
Here is a link to "Lyle," 1999.
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Al Bracy
Al Bracy
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 27 and Monday Nov 1 / INDEPENDENT STUDY /
For Monday, Nov 1
Post your completed art history inspired watercolor on the blog by noon on Monday
For Wed, Nov 3
Review the Chuck Close links to the right. Pick your favorite Chuck Close approach to portraiture and an example of it. Include a link to this painting in the comment section of this blog post and let us know why you like it.
Bring a passport style photo of yourself to use for this assignment. You can also take a passport style photo of yourself or have one made at Kinkos. If you don't or can't provide a photo bring your driver's license and we will scan the photo portion in class.
ALSO: due to my unfortunate accident and the resulting surgery I have only seen some of your work online. I would like to take the opportunity to see it in person on Wednesday while you are working on your Chuck Close self portrait. Please bring any watercolors to class that you have posted on the blog; the one that was due on Monday, your extra credit watercolors if you did one and of course the art history inspired image you completed for Monday.
Please email me or post comment here if you have any questions.
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Mary Auerbach
after Emil Nolde "Farmhouse in Marsh Landscape"
Al Bracy
Al Bracy
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
Christine Dunn
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Al Bracy - corrections
Al Bracy - Corrections
Al Bracy
Attached please find my watercolor of Summer wind by Elizabeth Murry and the flowers of Ann Jones and Elizabeth Raetz of The Blue Ridge Garden Club of Lexington.
Al Bracy
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
mid term porfolio review work and wednesday 10/27 assignments
Madonna Grice
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday Oct 25 studio - homework for Wednesday Oct 27 and MIDTERM PORTFOLIO revisions
Your portfolio review meetings will be done via email due to an unfortunate run in I had with a Siamese Cat and an ottoman. My fibula is fractured and my ankle must remain elevated until the orthopedist determines the next step. I regret this change in plans as I was looking forward to meeting with each of you about your progress this semester. I will email you your assessment in liew of our meeting. In order to give you the most accurate feedback please email your final watercolor and any revisions or improvements to this blog. You can see a few of your classmates have already done so! I will email you your mid term assessment by the week's end.
subject of email: your name
content of the email: project description
During Class
Scan or photograph your work. Use the mac lab if you need help. Email to the special blog email address.
For Wednesday
Create a watercolor inspired by one of watercolorists mentioned in your history handout. Choose any watercolor by an artist from the handout - use it as the framework and lesson for the assignment. Personalize the watercolor by adding an object from your life to the composition.
The viewer should be able to tell what painting you referenced and what type of object (hat, ring, shoe, vase,watch, etc) you are referencing.
Overall composition and technique
Scan or photograph your work in progress and email it to the blog email address on Wed, Oct 27 before noon. You may work from home or jtcc - as long as I receive an image of your work in progress and the name and title of the watercolor you are studying in the blog post
deadline for completion of the watercolor: Monday Nov 1
Please feel free post any questions you may have in the comments section here.
Art Events / Opportunities
(1) Sherwood Literary Magazine - see assignment 16 post for more info
(2) Renaissance Scholarship opportunity - see posters in the studio for more info
Mary Auerbach
based on "Untitled" by Mark Rothko,\
floral by Judy Brown Hodges and Andrea Metts
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, Oct 20 studio and homework for Monday, Oct 25
Continue to paint your Fine Art and Flowers watercolor during our studio time in preparation for the working critique today.
Considerations / Reminders: We should be able to tell what kind of flowers you are painting as well as the artist and painter you are referencing. Strive for good design, excellent technique and paying homage to your inspiration!
For Monday:
Fine Art and Flowers Watercolor is due as part of your MIDTERM PORTFOLIO REVIEW
Be present at 9am with your portfolio. I'll call roll and everyone will leave their portfolio in the classroom and work in the computer lab or library until their assigned review time. Please refer to the schedule below for your appointment:
9:30 Mary
9:40 Jenny
9:50 Al
10:00 Lauren
10:10 Reilly
10:20 Christine
10:30 Madonna
10:40 Max
10:50 Jaleesa
11:00 Tiffany
11:10 Erin
11:20 Sun
11:30 Ilona
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday Oct 18 studio - homework for Wednesday Oct 19 and MIDTERM PORTFOLIO REVIEW deadline
Resend your VMFA information in the format below to the new watercolor email address I gave you in class. If you were absent please check your email as I've sent it everyone in our class.
subject of email: your name
content of the email: Artists' name, title of artwork and the name of the florist
images (2 or 3) sent as an attachment.
This email will be posted on the blog immediately. Use it whenever I ask you to send me photos or if you are absent and need to send me your homework assignment.
During Class
Create the underpainting / background for your Fine Art and Flowers painting based on the artwork you chose. Layer the botanical arrangement or a detail of the arrangement in the foreground.
For Wednesday
Continue working on your F A and Flowers watercolor. We'll have a working critique during class on Wed.
The viewer should be able to tell what painting you referenced and what type of flowers (botanical study) you are referencing from the arrangement created based on the painting from the VMFA collection.
Overall composition and technique
Use techniques we've worked with this semester that are most appropriate for the artwork and flowers you are referencing.
Art Events / *Extra Credit happening this week:
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010
- 7:00pm - 9:30pm
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: 200 N. Boulevard | Richmond, VA
- Slide slam (PowerPoint slideshow) of student work from area schools (including 5 from John Tyler)
- Step group performances from area schools
- Free to college students & faculty with valid school ID
- Free food!
- Friday, October 22, 2010
- 7:30pm - Midnight
- Shockoe Slip: E. Cary St. (between Virginia Ave. & S. 13th St.) see PDF map for parking
- Outdoor exhibition of light-inspired art
- 39 art instillations by 60+ artists
- Community Lantern Parade kicks off at 7:30pm*
- Saturday, October 23, 2010
- 4:00pm - 9:00pm
- JTCC Midlo Campus: 800 Charter Colony Pkwy. | Midlothian, VA
- Howl for Health Festival (fall festival-type booths)
- 4 mile race
- 1 mile moonwalk
(4) Sherwood Literary Magazine
Al Bracy
by Elizabeth Murray
flowers: Ann Jones and Elizabeth Raetz of
The Blue Ridge Garden Club of Lexington.