Monday, September 20, 2010

Watercolor Studio Monday Sept 20 & Assignment for Wed, Sept 22

Studio: Positive / Negative Space

Create 4 contour line drawings of the natural objects or objects you brought to class today.
Use one full sheet of watercolor paper, increasing the size of the objects to fill the negative space.
Focus on the positive space, fill the contour shapes with the four techniques listed below:
1. fill the contour shape with a two toned wash. pay close attention to the edges
2. simulate the textures and tones of your object using graphite pencil
3. use the textures and techniques you've learned thus far to create a version more inventive and stylized, an
    example of invented texture
4. simulate the textures and tones of your object using watercolor glazes and textures (as photorealistic as

This series will be finished in class on Wednesday.
Watch the Walton Ford video link on the right as well as the Simultaneous Texture/How to Paint an Onion link. Do NOT use watercolor pencil when simulating texture - use a small pointed brush instead.

Create a series of texture/stamping experiments on one piece of watercolor paper

Refer to your handout for ideas - do not draw a grid on your paper but do label each texture according to the materials you used to stamp each one.

I will check your stamping exercises at the beginning of class while you complete the work we began in the studio today!

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