Studio time:
Review stamping experiments
Watch and listen to the DVD "Rivers and Tides," which documents the work of Scottish artist Andy Goldsworthy. Review landscape links and videos to the right!
If you miss class today this DVD is available for streaming on Netflix, there are clips of it on YouTube and it is likely available at your local DVD rental. There is a link to a short clip on the link list to the right -
Complete texture studies of the natural objects begun in the studio on Monday. We will review these in your first crit - so take time to do it right. The date of our first crit is still TBA.
Create an earthwork / waterwork of natural materials that interacts with the landscape. Use materials you know, if possible. (rocks you've collected, petals from a flower that is prolific in your garden, etc) Use these materials to interact with the landscape, outdoor site you choose to work in.
Create a minimum of 4 thumbnail (postcard size) studies of your still life using pencil on the back of your watecolor sheet
Choose the best interpretation/layout of your still life.
Create a watercolor study based on your the best composition on the other side of your watercolor paper. Document your interaction/waterwork/earthwork with your digital camera or phone and email me the photograph.
Refer to Mr. Goldsworthy regarding what how to paint/draw/sculpt, interact with the materials of the landscape IN the landscape. How do the the elements affect our relationship with the land and the materials it provides? What techniques will you choose to explore your watercolor of this interaction?
Use a complete piece of watercolor paper
Use the techniques you've experimented with that BEST SUIT your subject matter. List these on the back of the watercolor paper.
Due Monday:
*Bring completed still life / landscape
*Bring fruit or vegetables that inspire you with their color, simplicity and taste -
You will paint them in class on Monday!
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