After viewing the Art Space Gallery's Show "The French Connection," I chose Kathy Calhoun's "Hot 2409" as one of my favorite in the show. It is a Triptych which appears to use many of the painting techniques we have studied in class. It was exciting to see how the artist employed cut /masked shapes,( large ovals and light green leaf like shapes) layers of blended colors, warm color pallet (analogous negative space) and splatter to create artwork that was abstract with a representational architectural structure. The building rendered in a pencil contour was a perfect contrast to the abstract lines, shapes and vibrant colors used in the background.
Loved this piece and enjoyed the show! betty m
Hello Betty, This is Kathy Calhoun the artist of Warm 2409. Thank you so very much for such kind words! It means a great deal when others enjoy viewing my work and see the reasoning behind my choices. 2409 is the address of this house, my childhood home that was just recently sold.